Here is my First Official Rant - What's Going On?

Somebody please tell me what is going on? The world is going to "hell in a handbasket" and we can't seem to see it.

At some point, you've got to look a the morality/values of Americans and what we stand for as a nation and think, "What went wrong?". I'll tell you what went wrong...we took God out of our country.

Our founding fathers were smart enough to realize that paying attention to your creator has great benefits. They placed God at the center of everything and society flourished. Were there people who didn't adhere to Godly principles? Sure, but, by and large, God had a place in our society. Somewhere along the lines, we determined that the idea of Separation of Church and State was for the benefit of the State, not the Church. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that separation was to benefit the Church by limiting State interference in matters of the church, not the other way around. Funny how we've twisted it all up. I'd blame the ACLU, but it's each and every American's fault that this continues unchallenged. The ACLU just keep the wheels greased and turning.

My fellow Americans...wake up! We're killing a quarter of our population (25%) every year. Twenty-five percent of our scientists (the person who was to cure AIDS and Cancer might have already been aborted), teachers, and just about any other type of worker you can think of...gone. They never had a chance to "be." Consider this paradox: When two people who are are attempting conception conceive, they call it a child and everybody acknowledges it. However, if the child is unwanted, it's referred to as a n embryo, with the claim that it is "not a child" yet, giving a clear conscience to those who would terminate this child's life. If abortion is "no big deal," why do countless women who have had the procedure still suffer from depression and other psychiatric effects years after the procedure is past? You will not be happy when I say this, but SHAME ON YOU YOU SELFISH WOMEN. You claim it is a choice. It is. But, it's my choice if I want to go around shooting people in the head, or cheating you out of your money. I don't do these because it is precisely that...a choice. The easiest choice is not always the best choice. Believe me, I can sympathize with people who are forced to make the choice...but "right" has to win out over personal comfort and standard of living. Right is right and wrong is matter what the circumstances.

We rape and kill our young, leave our children fatherless, dissolve our marriages at a whim, cheat mercilessly among each other, applaud the wicked and sinful, while shunning and trivializing the moral high-ground and those who subscribe to living a pure life. Men, an essential segment of society have become feminized and role reversal has wreaked havoc on the American family. I'm not a saying that I don't believe in the equality of women, because I do. But, if we were all meant to be the same, then why are there men and women and not just all of one or the other? Consider this: When is the last time you saw a positive Christian role-model in a sitcom? A positive male father figure on a popular TV show?

On the foreign front, China is the sleeping giant and India is on the rise as well. In case you haven't counted lately, they out-populate us by quite a bit. China is turning into an industrial giant, while India, having already mastered the services sector, has turned to innovative technology. They might be the next techlological giant, surpassing the United States. Don't believe me? See which high-tech U.S. companies now have their R&D farmed out to India, even having their main facilites for this on Indian Soil. Hmm...India to produce the next generation of technology and China to manufacture it. Talk about a one-two punch.

Still don't believe we're in trouble? Do your homework and look at the Iran/Syria/Russia connection. Iran is building nukes plain and simple and is headed by a madman who believes he is to usher in Armageddon, Syria and Iran have a joint treaty for mutual defense and Syria is about to install a system very similar to our Patriot missle defense system. Both are backed by Russia as an ally. We are allied to Israel, who will not hesitate to strike Iran should the threat of nuclear weapons become a reality. What will happen then?

On that note, I find it truly interesting that we are allied with Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Wahhabi Islam (think Al-Queda, Osama bin get the picture). On the other hand, we are about the only strong ally Israel has (along with Great Britain). Hmmm...we're kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. We are buddy-buddy with the Saudis who threaten the very existence of our other ally, Israel. Sticky situation. How did this happen? Israel is our ally for obvious reasons. The house of Saud for less apparent reasons. Oil. We made a deal with the house of Saud for the U.S. dollar to become the exchange currency for OPEC when it was formed in exchange for security should the need arise. Hence, the Gulf War I and II. The deal ensured that the world would have to keep reserves of U.S. dollars in order to by oil from OPEC. It is this simple fact that has allowed the U.S. to operate at a deficit for so many years. People keep saying that we're in Iraq for the oil. I don't know if that is specifically true, but I do know that Saddam made plans to open up a new Iraqi oil burse (an exchange for the buying and selling of Iraqi oil). This burse was to be anchored by the Euro. Saddam is no longer a player thanks to our efforts. Is there a correlation?

Perhaps I deviate from my main objective: an America without God is an America in trouble. Think about this: If God didn't hesitate to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah yet turns a blind eye to what we've become as a nation, he will have to offer a lot of serious apologies to the dead inhabitants of those two cities.

The solution: seek for yourself to find out if this "God" is real. If he's not, it will be apparent. If he is, it will be apparent as well. You only have to seek with a pure, open heart, not predisposing yourself to a particular outcome either way. Let the chips fall where they may!

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